Every Champion
Was Once a Contender
who refused to give up

Rocky Balboa

Unifying the sport of axe throwing

Axe throwing isn't just a unique recreational activity; it is a competitive sport. By uniting axe throwing facilities from around the world under one professional axe throwing association, we can elevate the sport of axe throwing to the next level.

Working in tandem with an expanding network of independent axe throwing facilities, we can provide a conduit allowing them to communicate with each other and help establish standardized rules and regulations for the sport.

Inception Of the World Axe Throwing League®

As the sport of axe throwing is trending and expanding internationally, we noticed that many axe facilities followed similar business practices and axe throwing rules. However, there wasn't much communication between the axe throwing clubs. WATL® created a forum for all axe-throwing venues to standardize official rules, reach a level of harmony and legitimize axe throwing as a professional sport.

WATL's goals & objectives

The World Axe Throwing League® exists to promote axe throwing as a professional sport by bringing together axe throwing clubs. WATL® standardizes the sport of axe throwing - with official league rules, strict safety protocols, staff training, and everything in between. By facilitating the World Axe Throwing Championships, we continue to celebrate and nurture the growth of this global sport.

International Axe Throwing Day®

June 13

The World Axe Throwing League® runs International Axe Throwing Day®. World Axe Throwing Day is for everyone around the globe who share our passion for axe throwing. The World Axe Throwing League® celebrates International Axe Throwing Day® to raise awareness and unify axe throwing as a bonafide sport. As fun and offbeat as this sport is - Axe Throwing is an inclusive activity everyone can enjoy. We bring together all WATL® Axe Throwing Clubs from around the world to celebrate the sport.

WATL® Commissioner
Sarah Sed

Sarah Sed has been a member of the axe throwing community since the very beginning of axe throwing in the United States. Sarah’s introduction to the sport started with a playful bet; whichever of their friends won the tournament, would have to open their own axe throwing venue. Unexpectedly Sarah won that tournament. She and her husband, Matt, opened Houston Axe Throwing in Houston, Texas in 2017, as the third axe throwing facility in the US. They both still reside in Houston with their 3 orange tabby cats—Dr. Sam Beckett, Dr. Dana Scully (the venue mascot), and Rogue.

As one of the founding affiliates of the World Axe Throwing League, Sarah has been around for all of the changes WATL has seen over the years. Serving on the WATL Advisory Council for the last 4 years, Sarah has been an integral part of rule changes, the Judge Committee, and affiliate relations. As a venue owner herself, Sarah brings a unique perspective to the role of Commissioner and hopes to improve the sport for throwers and affiliates alike.

WATL® Founder
Mario Zelaya

The sport of urban axe throwing is trending and expanding internationally. Mario noticed that many indoor urban axe throwing facilities, mostly in Canada, followed similar business practices and axe throwing rules. However, there wasn’t much communication between axe venues. Mario felt that we needed to create a forum for these facilities to open the floor for discussion on standardizing official rules and regulations to reach a level of harmony and legitimize indoor axe throwing as a sport. That way, by working together, we could put axe throwing on par with other major sports.

“Because of the strong demand for the sport of urban axe throwing, we’re establishing a World Axe Throwing League® – similar to what you would expect for the NHL, UFC, NBA, MLB, etc.,” said Mario Zelaya, League Chairman and founder.

The WATL® Council

The WATL® council members are members of the axe throwing community who are volunteering their time to help progress the World Axe Throwing League® new heights

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Affiliates in the World

And Growing

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