Meet the Team of the World Axe Throwing League

March 22nd, 2018

As axe throwing grows in popularity as a past time and a sport, the World Axe Throwing League grows as well! With the rapid growth of WATL we’ve decided to have you all meet the team in their new official positions. Some have been with WATL for a while and some are quite new. All of them have proven that they work hard all in the name of providing the best Axe Throwing League experience for our members and their players! We’re proud to say we have the industry’s best on our team as we are all passionately united to improve the axe throwing community around the world!

The Canadian native Mario Zelaya is the founder and President of the World Axe Throwing League. His vision was a unified sport of axe throwing and has worked hard to bring the once small idea to light. Since its inception WATL has gone from that small idea to over 30 members across 7 countries! While he’s seen it grow to the largest axe throwing organization in the world, it’s definitely not done growing!

Evan Walters is a U.S. native and he has taken on spearheading the World Axe Throwing League since he was brought on board. This being reflected under his title of Commissioner. Akin to NHL or NBA Commissioners, he handles matters such as the rules and regulations of the league.  He works with other businesses, media, the public, and all of the axe throwing affiliates to facilitate the league seasons. He also helps grow the WATL by overseeing the highest quality of development and standards for the sport of axe throwing.


As WATL continues to grow we’ll be growing our team as well!

Meet our new team members!

The first of the new team members is Ben Edgington. Another U.S. native, he will be helping Evan with facilitating all of our US locations as it has the largest concentration of WATL affiliates. His extensive sporting background will also be a great asset in helping WATL grow!

The last but definitely not least of our team members currently is Ryan Vencer. When Ryan coached axe throwing he gained a huge and positive following in Toronto. He will be helping Evan with the second largest concentration of axe throwing affiliates in the great white north!

We are very excited about our organization changes and we hope you are as well. Whether a player or an affiliated axe throwing venue the more we grow the better we can help our members. That way we continue to be the best and quickest growing sports organization in the world!

Remember to check out our newly updated web site.

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