Arnold Sports Festival, also known as the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival is an annual multi-sport event consisting of professional bodybuilding, strongman, fitness, figure and bikini weekend expo. It was established in 1989 and is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. Since 1989 it’s grown to be the largest sports and fitness expo in the world and for the first time in 29 years WATL member Columbus Axe Throwing, brought Axe Throwing to it! The world first annual World Axe Throwing league Arnold Classic Championship took place this past weekend starting March 1, 2017.
Axe throwers from all over North America competed in the championship. Competitors included many WATL league members from Bad Axe Throwing, Columbus Axe Throwing, Ragnarok Axe Throwing, and Cleveland Axe Throwing. We had over 40 competitors throw to qualify for the tournament the second day where the top 16 competed head to head.
Players competed for the title of Arnold Classic Axe Throwing Champion AND a grand prize of $1000!
Not only did we have a great competition but we had literally hundreds of people learning the sport of Axe Throwing in a safe and controlled environment from Columbus Axe Throwing’s experienced instructors. It was a great way to be introduce new people to the sport.
After some fierce competition, we are thrilled to announce The WATL Arnold Classic Champion of 2018. The WATL Arnold Classic Champion is Jon “Sparky” Miller!
Jon came all the way down from Toronto to represent Canada and take home the WATL Arnold Championship belt! This is definitely not Jon Miller’s first time in the axe throwing range. You may remember him from being the Regional WATL Champion from Bad Axe Throwing Toronto or the face he gained 2nd place in the World Axe Throwing Championships in 2017! His experience in axe throwing has finally paid off this past weekend and we can’t wait to see him compete again soon!
Remember to check out our newly updated web site to see how you too can compete in our next big event or your local leagues!
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